Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis of Advertisement Essay - 1069 Words

Analysis of Advertisement The first advert is of LOreal, is evidently publicizing an item for coloured hair. It is a famous and an eminent company, that aims to sell its wide range of products to women who are sophisticated, intellectual and interested in fashion, and who also probably have a high disposable income. The brand name takes up about 15% of the advert, which highlights its importance. LOREAL is written in large bold, block letters so as to familiarize the customer with the brand name immediately. The capital city, Paris is written on the bottom line of L in LOREAL and underneath the brand is the term PROFESSIONNEL, bold and white against a jet black background. It†¦show more content†¦Light is reflecting off the bottle, livening up the image and making it seem more genuine. The brand is once again displayed to the customer at the top of the bottle. The read lettering beneath it is vibrant and seems to be the only rich color in the whole advert. The bottle seems to be floating in mid-air, which further reinforces the idea of power. This idea of power is what almost hypnotizes the customer into buying the product, making them perceive that after the usage of the product, they will indeed become powerful. Your hairdresser will tell you: colored hair needs extra care to stay beautiful At this point they are very confident and have convinced the customer, which blows away any doubts they may have. When they say will it seems as if they know what theyre talking about. The text beneath the quote is relatively small and plain. The continuous use of you and your makes the advert seems more personal as if the advert is intended towards the customer themselves, and not to an entire bunch of readers. Serie expert is also written in French, however the word expert soothes and relaxes the customer because they realize that this product has been wisely chosen by an expert, and so they dont have to worry about the product containing chemicals or being harmful in any sort of way. When first the eye meets the page, the reader is instantlyShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis of Advertisement1539 Words   |  7 PagesNovember 2010 An Analysis of Advertisement In the Hunter/Gatherer section of Omnivore’s Dilemma, Pollan talks about what it takes to accomplish the task of developing a meal on his own; consequently, the people of today’s society are so used to the abundance of food that they have no idea what all is involved in establishing a full meal. Americans take this great abundance of food for granted, which causes an increased craving for more. 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