Sunday, November 24, 2019

Music of The Minds essays

Music of The Minds essays Take a few minutes to reflect on your childhood days in school. Did you sing in the choir or play in the band? If so, do you remember the days of learning your scales by singing Do Re Mi? Do you recall your first Christmas concert? Do you remember your foot tapping the floor as you tried to stay in beat? Or maybe you were just trying to concentrate on not playing or singing out of tune. Music plays a role in the development of children from a very early age and continues throughout their lives. It allows them to dream. It gives them hope, inspiration, passion, and joy. Music education improves early cognitive development; increases higher scores on standardized tests; and enhances your memory. Children who receive music training are likely to reap benefits far beyond those which can be found from passive listening. It is clear that cognitive stimulation reaches a high level during music training. Music training is fun, but is always a challenge to a students cognitive abilities. After all, a child working on a mathematical problem can sit back and contemplate it for as long as necessary before committing it to paper. The same child, playing with a band, must keep up with the group and at the same time think ahead to prepare for what is coming. In no other subject is a child called upon to make three or four decisions per second and to act on them continuously for long stretches at a time. During a musical performance, children must constantly turn thoughts into actions. Their thought structures have to be updated and adjusted frequently. This blend of constant awareness and forethought is an educational experience of unique value. One can easily see why children with musi cal training are able to deal more easily with material which cannot immediately be assimilated. These children may be able to learn more easily and store information better than children who are not given the opportunity to ...

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